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Do you ever feel like Paddington Bear?
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Greg Edson

People for Rain member since 2012

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I was walking through the streets of Chicago the other day with my big blue jacket and rain boots on and I can tell you that I definitely felt like Paddington Bear. The only difference is that Paddy never had an umbrella as cool as the Brolly :)

In all seriousness, I love dressing up for rainy and snowy weather. It's the few times of year when you get to put on outfits that you would not normally wear.

I mean how many days of the year do I actually get to wear a rain cap? There are very few days, but when they do come, I like to make the most of them. This means that you may see me on the subway on a bus or just wandering around town in a bright rain get up. It's like having Halloween several times a year.

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