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Rain comes in all different shapes and sizes
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Greg Edson

People for Rain member since 2012

Monday, January 21, 2013

What's amazing about the rain is how different it can be when you travel from place to place? I remember one day when I was traveling from Illinois to Florida that the rain in Illinois was shaped like frozen crystals and when I arrived in Florida, it was just large rain drops. It's fascinating how temperatures dictate the shape, texture and overall look of rain.

With that said, in both cases I had my Brolly umbrella with me and I will tell you, I was the talk of both of states. In both Illinois and Florida people saw me with the Brolly in my backpack and stopped me to ask what it was. I pulled out the Brolly and I can tell you that I must have had 20-30 people staring in Amazement. It's nice being the center of attention once in a while :)

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